So this is the house so far. Pictures really dont do it justice. Achim has worked hundreds and hundreds of hours on this and he is making wonderful progress. So far all 3 bedrooms are 95% complete, many trees that were not native have been uprooted, Achim has seen about 6 snakes (me zero), we have a stove and a dishwasher, working air con., and plumbing! Woohoo!!!

I am very amused by closets at this point in my life. We did not have any for a couple months so now really love them!!

Looks like I am trying really hard to figure things out. This is the living room as of now!!

Yipee! I have a closet now!!

This is what the master bedroom is looking like now. It used to be a horrible dirty purple room.

Who ever said Lowes is not the most fun place in the world. (This is where Achim and I spend many romantic Saturday evenings, all in the name of the house.)

Uprooting a giant tree with his bare hands and an axe!! Wow!
1 comment:
dude, carpenter are awesome, eh? My boy is the anti-carpenter, I had to drill and hang the curtains in *his* apt! Maybe I should be a carpenter...
congrats on the wedding! That dialogue between you and Achim was priceless. ;-)
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