In the title office signing 1,000 papers to own this house. The woman asked me," are you both buying the house." I said, No, I am, he is just my carpenter." (and everything else)

Phase 1: The Clean Up Process!! 1.5 weeks into we have filled up 2 giant dumpsters and tons of trash by the side of the road!!

The Back of the Florida Room!! Looking good!

Palm Trees in the back yard!! They are gorgeous!!

The front porch!!

The Shed!

The Master Bath!! Fit for a King!!

The Guest Bathroom. The neighbors say the toilet hasnt worked in 2 years!! The people were going to the side of the toilet, hence the pile of rags.

The Garage

A Closer look of the Florida Room!!


This is the living room and Florida Room!!

Here she is, the diamond in the rough!! Day 1
OH MY WORD!!!!!!!
you have bought an ugly house!!! what was with all that sh1t that was already in there???
you know, that is a new adventure far more scarey than any outter mongolian or incan insanity trail....
good luck the pair of you
Wow Kiara!!!!! Good luck cleaning up that mess!!! Wear a mask. Keep yourself safe from the nasties. Happy to hear things are doing well and that you are back in the states!! Love to you.-----Maddi
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