Thursday, May 17, 2007

We have to move in, in 2 weeks!

In the title office signing 1,000 papers to own this house. The woman asked me," are you both buying the house." I said, No, I am, he is just my carpenter." (and everything else)
Phase 1: The Clean Up Process!! 1.5 weeks into we have filled up 2 giant dumpsters and tons of trash by the side of the road!!
The Back of the Florida Room!! Looking good!
Palm Trees in the back yard!! They are gorgeous!!
The front porch!!
The Shed!
The Master Bath!! Fit for a King!!
The Guest Bathroom. The neighbors say the toilet hasnt worked in 2 years!! The people were going to the side of the toilet, hence the pile of rags.
The Garage

A Closer look of the Florida Room!!
This is the living room and Florida Room!!

Here she is, the diamond in the rough!! Day 1

Monday, May 14, 2007

One week into the house.

I am the proud owner of the ugliest house on the block!! We have had the house exactly one week and Achim has filled two giant dumpsters with stuff that was inside the house. He has completely torn out the kitchen, removed all doors, thrown away countless appliances, pieces of furniture, rotten things, and most lovely of all, 2 toilets that were filled to the brim with crap (literally).

He is a saint. We have to move into the house in one month. SO the plan is to work hard to get it to a livable quality. Which for Achim and I is two different things!!

I PROMISE, the pictures will be up soon.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Achim and I had a dream that started festering about a year ago. What could we do together, putting our heads together we decided that we wanted to buy an ugly ugly ugly house.

It started swirling around our minds in Switzerland exactly one year ago. We made a visual display and researched and kept our dream alive, telling everyone and everything about our dream to own the ugliest house on the street, and turn it into CASH money for us to continue to build our dreams.

We have been through it all!! Bankers choking on their coffee when i tell them my non existent work history and even sketchy rental history. However ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.

We did not care we kept trying. By accident I ran into a friend from second grade whos brother does real estate. In passing at a wedding I said hey I want an ugly house. Four days later he calls me and shows us the beast.

After the loan falling through and then being ok, trying to get it insured. Finding out that I need to wire money from a bank that is another state 3,000 miles away and you have to be there in person. In the begining of the process I would get flustered and emotional but now I know I have a lot of people that want their paychecks, and it all depends on me and my house. Cross your fingers!! We are supposed to be closing on Friday.

I will keep you posted!