This year we have had a constant flow of visitors into our life. From the moment Achim and I came back from India and got an apartment, our life has been filled with friends and loved ones. Lace was here ASAP to assist in taking care of all of our guests. From traveling carpenters, to friends, brothers, Swiss, and the list goes on. Every new week practically brought a new guest or two.
Achim decided to go to Switzerland on June 15th. Our semi annual family reunion was on July 4th, this is one of my favorite events in the whole world. Lacey came with me this year and we had a blast. My heart was so filled with love getting to be together in one compound with all my family members. I flew back into town and went and picked up my childhood best friend whom I have not seen in over 10 years. I picked her up and 3 out of 5 of her children. They came to Hobe Sound and stayed for a week.
This week was a highlight for me, I went to work and when I came home all of their smiling faces greeted me. We all had so much fun together, talking, playing, laughing, and going to the beach! These visitors touched my heart! These children and their mother are such amazing and sweet human beings. I am excited to welcome a visitor this weekend.
I would like to send a special thank you to all of our friends and family who have visited us over the last several years. So many of our friends and family members come to visit us from all over the the world. Achim and I love having guests and its such a privilege to have you in our home!